Cameron’s Pig Society :: Dodgy Banking, government supports tax evaders

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I’ve been looking at Cameron, Osborne & Co’s record on tax evasion. Tax avoiders and evaders are ennobled and joining the government, ideological opponents to tax appointed to senior HMRC posts, etc. There’s certainly the appearance that Cameron, Osborne & Co deliberately scupper EU agreements to tackle tax evasion to continue the status of the UK’s tax havens – that they work [ed: in the interests of for] that tiny elite, the super-rich tax evaders.

There’s a suggestion here that Cameron misled the House of Commons yesterday.

I’m still trying to get to grips with this issue. I certainly hope that the Labour Party are doing likewise. In the meantime, a vid about HMRC assisting UK tax evaders back in 2010/11 and ennoblement and appointment to government office.

10pm edit: I’m coming to the conclusion that Cameron, Osborne, Boris, etc – the Conservatives – are and represent the tax-evading super-rich. This is seen in Cameron’s statements and his government’s actions. The rich are asked to pay their taxes as opposed to telling them that they will be prosecuted and imprisoned for the serious crime of tax evasion. Cameron’s government maintain and support the UK’s tax havens. Cameron’s government promote tax evaders and avoiders to the Lords and bring them into his government. Individuals ideologically opposed to taxation are appointed posts in HMRC and HMRC investigators are reduced.

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