Cameron & his Tory shits attack the disabled

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I apologise that I’m still trying to get up to speed on this. ILF. Is it The Independent Living Fund that has been abolished?

I’m sorry. I know that this **** ********* (Tory Government – well you can make up your own) has abolished the support that allows disabled people to have a life.

ed: Cameron and Osborne have abolished the support that disabled people need to live independently.

ed: What it means is that they will be denied their independence and will be institutionalised and much more actually. It will mean that disabled people are imprisoned.

ed: It’s happening. Independent Living Fund has been abolished. Disabled people are being institutionalised i.e. imprisoned.

Imprisoned for being disabled?

I want to say that Hitler went for the disabled first but did he? I’m going to say it regardless. There were homos, communist and socialists too. Am I missing something? Well that’s history for you.

08:10ed: Ok I lost the plot there. The point is that the independent living benefit for disabled people has been abolished. What this means for disabled people is that they are institutionalised i.e. imprisoned for being disabled. That’s thanks to Cameron and Osborne who are ever so willing to provide huge benefits for crap bankers.


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