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Image of a Great White Shark
Image of a Great White Shark, think it might be the same wun actually.

Continuing from what I said yesterday, if you have 2 pretend opponents – Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer – who both represent the class interests of the rich and powerful then it doesn’t really matter which one wins or loses because the rich and powerful win regardless. That’s certainly my perspective and approach to Sunk and Starmer and it’s also why Corbyn’s progress was destroyed by the rich and powerful.

The Tories are so unpopular that it’s for Starmer to lose and he seems to be going for that outcome with nasty, ridiculous attack ads against Sunak.

‘Stand by every word’: Keir Starmer defends attack ad on Rishi Sunak

Keir Starmer has said he will “make absolutely zero apologies for being blunt” in an article published after a row over a widely criticised Labour attack advert on child sexual assaults.

In a veiled message to critics within his own party, the Labour leader said he will “stand by every word Labour has said on this subject” and would continue to use the Conservatives’ record on crime as a legitimate criticism “no matter how squeamish it might make some feel”.

The advert, which drew criticism from both left and right, used a picture of Rishi Sunak and said he “does not believe adults convicted of sexually assaulting children should go to prison” and pointed to the Conservative record on offenders avoiding jail.

‘Stand by every word’: Keir Starmer defends attack ad on Rishi Sunak

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