Let’s look into the future

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There will be people angry with the Liberal Shits for allowing the Conservdemocrats to destroy health care for how long?

In the first twenty years or so I expect it would be quite extreme but then as they die off hatred of the Libservatives would probably diminish in 30 to 50 years as nobody remembers them and the entire concept of care is subsumed by by Neo-Conliberalism.

Edit: The point is now that The Neo-Con Liberal shits are totally supportive of the The Neo-Con Liberal shits agenda of destrying the National Health Service. The Liberal-Demshits and the Blair-loving Tories are destroying the NHS. There is nothing between them. Was Clegg Bullingdon?

The point is ~ of course ~ is that we’ve got to keep upper-class twits in their place(s). I think perhaps the suggestion is stay in your place(s).

Stay in your place(s) of course suggests don’t wander to other place(s) where you are unwelcome, unknown and out of your depth.

There was a mistake there – you are well known and well connected. That you’re well known is also well known. BUT that’s bollox to us. It’s – I’m trying to expain – it has no relevance to anything, it’s totally immatrial. [not immetarial – totally of no relevence –  means nothing – of no value – totally worthless ]

II appreciate that you worship a particulular ****. I suggest that you DFWM.

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