More Great White Sharks

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because they are so beautiful && pisses them off so much

Error Great-White-Shark-1a Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.
It’s an image of a Great White Shark with it’s mouth open. I want to show it to you but it’s censored. You are not permitted to see a photo of an open-mouthed Great White Shark. I’ll try again.

123_1Great_White_Shark_Perfect_Proportion Great White Shark1 413_1teeth_shadow_great_white_shark great-white-shark-picture great-white-up-close_6455_600x450b great_white_shark_wallpaper-normal5.4


1/3/14: shark ‘right’ ;)

Continue ReadingMore Great White Sharks

The Med

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The plan has changed. The plan now is learn to sail <will happen>, get a boat, sail the Med this yer and possibly many more yers.

edit: and also much more sailing

later: My boat will be renamed ‘Eau de Vie’

Yes I know – rough brandy but literally the water of life


later later: just checked it out

Continue ReadingThe Med

I can do it again

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One of those cryptic messages again that only a few will catch the meaning.

I am really pleased that I can do it again

and I will

be doing it again

edit: Yers ago before I knew anything about this m****k I did another m****k. It’s returned now, I am able to do it again and I am very pleased.

Continue ReadingI can do it again